What can I expect?
It's hard to know what you don't know! Here are a few of the main things you can expect when you visit us.
First, you'll be greeted and folks here are friendly! There is a lot of talking and visiting before and after the main services. If you aren't sure where to go, our door greeter will help show you around.
Once the service starts:
We'll sing - we sing traditional hymns in an exciting and passionate way.
We'll read the Bible together - the Scripture text will be on the screens.
God's Word will be opened and explained through preaching or teaching.
You'll be invited to respond to God's Word. But never pressured, your response to God must be of your own free will.
We strive to learn about and draw closer to Jesus with everything we do. We hope you'll join us!

What is the culture like?
We are normal people with a great God! We welcome visitors, we pray for folks who ask for prayer, and we desire that people will become closer to God because of their their time with us.
We have a dynamic church for all ages, and we believe in building a strong family environment. Our members and visitors are from all walks of life, and we have engaging activities for all!

what about my kids?
We provide a nursery and classes for every age group. Our youth have periodic activities on and off the campus of the church that are exciting and engaging!
You will find that all our classes are centered around the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We throw in a lot of fun too! Whether it be Bible lessons, Sword drills, songs, or puppet shows, your children and teens will have fun while learning about Jesus Christ.
An average service is about 50 minutes in length. Services usually begin with congregational singing, special music, and announcements. During the service, song lyrics and Scripture passages are displayed on the screens.
You can join in however you feel most comfortable. After the music portion of service is complete, a Bible message will be delivered from one of the men on our pastoral team.